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2nd Edition
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2nd Edition
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Islam is the sublime and perfect religion revealed by Allah, the Most Wise, for our good in all of our affairs. Since Allah commands us to adhere to it in its totality, we may not neglect parts of it, claiming that they are insignificant. People who do this deprive themselves of parts of Islam’s grandeur and beauty, neglect important acts of worship and traits of good manners, and approve wrong and reject right without knowledge.
The purpose of this series, Enter into Islam Completely, is to present some unduly belittled issues, prove their value, and discuss their regulations.
This book deals with the epidemic of smoking, which enslaves many of today’s Muslims, and which is aggravated by that most victims belittle its dangers and deny its prohibition.
We present a detailed analysis leading to the ruling of smoking in Islam. This, we hope, will provide a sincere advice for those who seek the truth but have only heard the wrong views.
This book includes a discussion of intoxicants, establishing the prohibition of various practices associated with them, as well as penalties (in both lives) for those who partake in them.
This book also includes a discussion of narcotics, with an overview of marijuana and qat (or khat). Based on their established effects and harms, we conclude that narcotics are strongly prohibited, except in very limited medical settings.
This book, we hope, will provide many Muslims with guidance toward a healthier, cleaner, and worthier Islamic personality. May Allah grant us guidance and facilitation.