

  • A manual of prayers complete Arabic & English text. Abu 'Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Sulayman ibn Abi Bakr al-Jazuli al-Simlali
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    Fortress of the Muslim (Pocket Size)

    Original price was: £2.50.Current price is: £1.90.
    Invocations From the Qur'an & Sunnah *ONLINE OFFER ONLY*
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    Jamal Ul Quran

    Original price was: £27.00.Current price is: £25.00.
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    Namaaz & Du’aas

    Original price was: £3.00.Current price is: £2.89.
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    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £9.99.
    The Islamic Studies Book 4 is a part of 4 primarily books designed for secondary school students (ages 12-18) and to identify and build Islamic character. This meticulously written series intended to guide young Muslims in a manner that helps them acquire a thorough practical and spiritual foundation. it is very useful for the new Muslim and the elders who wish to be guided by the easy and well laid out seriers. The series equip the seeker of knowledge with reliable information, based purely on the Qur'an and Sunnah, about the tenets of Islam as well as introduce him to some of the fundamental fields of learning, like the Sciences of 'Aqidah, Haddith, Tafsir, and Fiqh where these are presented in simple language. It is also suitable for new-Muslims and adults seeking an easy explanation of the basic areas of Islamic disciplines. All texts are supported by evidence from the Quran and authentic haddith.
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    The Sealed Nectar (Ar- Raheequl-Makhtum) Medium HB

    Original price was: £14.99.Current price is: £9.99.
    A complete authoritative book on the life of Prophet Muhammad (S) by Sheikh Safi-ur-Rahman al-Mubarkpuri. It was honored by the World Muslim League as first prize winner book. Whoever wants to know the whole life style of the Prophet in detail must read this book. Muhammad (S) is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him, are severe against the disbelievers, and merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer), seeking bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. The mark of them (i.e. of their Faith) is on their faces (foreheads) from the traces of prostration (during prayers). This is their description in the Taurah (Torah). But their description in the Injeel (Gospel) is like a (sown) seed which sends forth its shoot, then makes it strong, and becomes thick and it stands straight on its stem, delighting the sowers, that He may enrage the disbelievers with them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous good deeds, forgiveness and a mighty reward (Paradise). (Al-Fath: 29) The Prophet Muhammad (S) said: “The example of guidance and knowledge with which Allah has sent me is like abundant rain falling on the earth. Some of which was fertile soil that absorbed rain-water and brought forth vegetation and grass in abundance. (And) another portion of it was hard and held the rain water and Allah benefited the people with it and they utilized it for drinking (making their animals drink from it) and to irrigate the land for cultivation. (And) a portion of it was barren which could neither hold the water nor bring forth vegetation (then that land gave no benefits). The first is the example of the person who comprehends Allah’s Religion (Islam) and gets benefit (from the knowledge) which Allah (Azawajal) has revealed through me (the Prophet) and learns and then teaches it to others. The (last example is that of a) person who does not care for it and does not take Allah’s Guidance revealed through me (he is like that barren land).” (Al-Mukarramah)   SIZE: 22 X 15 X 4 cm appox  

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    FREE DELIVERY “Learning classical Arabic effectively could not be more easier than this course of Madinah Islamic University. A tried and tested course over 40 years with proven track record of success, it is ideal in terms of the the topics covered and short time taken to learn. It is suitable for schools and colleges in the UK and other Western English speaking countries. Whilst there are now several courses available on the market for the teaching of the Arabic language, the unique features of this particular one are: • It is very concise, consisting of only three books, all of which are short but extensive in their coverage. • It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. • It covers all the essential Arabic grammatical rules in such a way that the student is spared the monotonous task of memorising them. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and Sunnah, so that as the student learns the languages, he also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. This allows the student to become directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and Sunnah while also acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language”
  • Al-Mubaadi’a Al-Mufeedah – The Beneficial Elementary Principles in Tawheed, Fiqh and Aqeedah
    Authored by
    Sheikh Abu Abdur Rahman Yahyaa bin ‘Ali Al-Hajoori 
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    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £9.99.
    Following on from what is taught in Book 1, Book 2 deepens the student’s basic Islamic knowledge of the concept of tawheed, the science of tafseer, the science of Hadith and the sources of Islamic law (fiqh). Study questions at the end of every unit help the student to make use of his or her new knowledge and assess progress.
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    Allah Made Them All (PB)

    Original price was: £1.35.Current price is: £1.00.
    Description from the publisher : Allah Made Them All is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about love for Alllah and is meant to teach young minds about His bounty. About the author(s)
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    Gateway To Arabic, Book 1

    Original price was: £5.50.Current price is: £4.99.
    Gateway To Arabic, Book 1
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    Gateway To Arabic, Book 2

    Original price was: £5.50.Current price is: £4.99.
    Gateway To Arabic, Start Book 2
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    Islamic Studies Book 1 (Dr. Abu Ameen Bilal Philips)

    Original price was: £11.00.Current price is: £9.99.
    Experienced educator and scholar Dr. Bilal Philips has written this excellent four-year high school Islamic Studies curriculum. Part one (the first year), Islamic Studies Book 1. Book 1 covers basic Islamic knowledge beginning with the concept of tawheed (the Islamic concept of monotheism), and continuing with Qur’anic studies that include the science of tafseer (explanation and commentary) with examples given of select chapters of the Noble Qur’an. Book 1 also covers the science of Hadith and the sources of Islamic law (fiqh). Study questions at the end of every unit help the student to make use of his or her new knowledge and assess progress. This is a well written, well organized textbook that teachers and students of Islamic Studies will find indispensable.
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    Qasidah Burdah

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.00.
  • Description from the publisher : Here for young readers and listeners, are all the best treasured stories of the Quran in one beautifully illustrated volume. The stirring and dramatic stories of the great prophets, peoples and nations are unfolded as a family saga, one event leading naturally to the next. All these features in one great book: * 42 easy to read Quran stories. * A moral value with each story. * Simple language. * Vivid and charming illustrations. * A Quran reference for each story at the end of the book. Designed for use at home or at school, this book makes the message of the Quran more meaningful for children. It's the perfect way to begin your child's lifetime adventure of personal Quran reading! Especially chosen for the very young, these stories act as a foundaton on which to build a growing knowledge of the Quran. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate...
  • Details:   The Light of the Qur’an : Dhiya’ ul Qur’an [Volume 1], Qur’an Tafseer | Qur’an Commentary, Volume 1 : from Surah Fatiha to Surah al-Anam, Edition: 2008 Author: Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari Translator (Exegesis): Iftikhar Bajwa Translator (Qur’an): Anees Ahmad Shaikh (translator of Jamal-ul-Qur’an) English Commentary with Arabic : Printed in quality paper. About the Author: Ziya al-Ummat Pir Karam Shah al-Azhari [d.1418 AH / 1998 CE ] ‘alayhir rahman w’al ridwan Justice Pir Muhammad Karam Shah, May Allah have mercy upon him, was a famous saint of the Chishtiya Nizamiya sufi order. He was also a learned theologian, a commentator of the Noble Qur’an, a biographer of the Beloved Prophet, peace & blessings of Allah be upon him, a jurist, an educationist and Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. His family was honoured in the Punjab province due to their knowledge and piety. His grandfather Pir Amir Shah known as Amir-us-Salikeen was also a famous chishti saint. His father Pir Hafiz Muhammad Shah Ghazi was a sufi too, who took an active part in the Pakistan Movement for the liberation of Kashmir. The forefathers of Pir Sahib include famous Suhrawardiyya saints like Hadrat Shaykh-al-Islam Sadr-ud-Din Arif and Hadrat Ghaus Baha ud-Din Zakariyya of Multan, May Allah be pleased with them.
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    Madinah Arabic Reader

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madina Arabic Reader
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    A Muslim Boy’s Guide to Life’s Big Changes

    Original price was: £2.99.Current price is: £2.89.
    Have you ever had Questions about growing up as a Muslim But Didn't know who to ask? Well this is the perfect book for you! You'll discover the exciting world of the growing Muslim teenager with this practical and easy to read guide. A Muslim Boy's Guide to Life's Big Changes gives " brotherly " advise on life in general from islam and friends, School and home life through to the physical changes you will experience from the age of 11 onwards. Sami Khan was born in 1980 and lives and workd in Oxford. Much of Sami's day is spent learning about and embracing the challenges and needs of the Muslim youth of today. Sami enjoys badminton, is a great fan of the classic game " Tetris " and is actively involved in fundinraising for charity.
  • Overview

    This edition of the Dictionary, published eighteen years after its first appearance, is an enlarged and improved version of the original corpus. During the past two decades, the Dictionary has achieved widespread acceptance and use. In the interim, modern written Arabic has continued to exhibit vigorous lexical growth. Therefore, feeling the need to fill in many gaps and update the corpus, the author again undertook systematic collection of material. In addition to many neologisms of recent origin, the author has incorporated much older material attested in present-day contexts, which had not yet appeared in the Dictionary, as well as numerous improvements and corrections. The result is that this revised edition has nearly 200 new pages.
  • Quran Made Easy is a modern, easy to understand english translation of the Holy Quran with inline commentary. This is the only english language translation that includes translation and inline commentary. The language is simple and easy to understand and unlike other translations leaves no room for ambiguity and misunderstanding. The work is a recent project and does not use "old" english or difficult to understand words. This is the complete english version which includes all 30 sections of the Quran as well as the inline commentary and introduction to the Quran.
  • Part of the ‘Simple Steps in Qur’aan Reading’ series.  

    These new Flashcards are an excellent way to satisfy the natural curiosity of children and are designed to provide students with endless fun and education.

  • Part of the ‘Simple Steps in Qur’aan Reading’ series.  

    These new Flashcards are an excellent way to satisfy the natural curiosity of children and are designed to provide students with endless fun and education.

  • Simple Steps In Qur'aan Reading By Abu-Saalihah Bin Ayyub Hardback 2Part Set (Part 1 & Part 2 )
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    Original price was: £11.50.Current price is: £9.99.
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