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  • paperback My Sincere Advice to Women
  • Description from the publisher : My Quran Friends Storybook has sixty stories from the lives of the Prophets and today’s children’s, highlighting the Islamic teaching and virtues. This book encourages children to read Allah’s word and apply it in their every day life. It will help them to imbibe the true spirit of Islam. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate...
  • My Prayer Book A step by step guide to perfecting your child's obligatory prayers according to the Quran and the Sunnah
  • Description from the publisher : Here for young readers and listeners, are all the best treasured stories of the Quran in one beautifully illustrated volume. The stirring and dramatic stories of the great prophets, peoples and nations are unfolded as a family saga, one event leading naturally to the next. All these features in one great book: * 42 easy to read Quran stories. * A moral value with each story. * Simple language. * Vivid and charming illustrations. * A Quran reference for each story at the end of the book. Designed for use at home or at school, this book makes the message of the Quran more meaningful for children. It's the perfect way to begin your child's lifetime adventure of personal Quran reading! Especially chosen for the very young, these stories act as a foundaton on which to build a growing knowledge of the Quran. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate...
  • Description from the publisher : Muslims, aims to cultivate an understanding that Muslims everywhere practice Islam in similar ways, and that they need communities to help them follow Islam. Corollary to this understanding is the concept that Muslims bear the responsibility to develop their community. About the author(s): Susan Douglass Susan Douglass is an American-born Muslim who accepted Islam in 1974. She received the Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Rochester in 1972. She received the Master of Arab Studies f...
  • Being a teenager is not an easy business.You're told you are "too young" to do half the things you want to do; your mother is always asking you to tidy your room: your father is always reminding you to pray; your younger sister is annoying you when all you want is some PEACE AND QUIET ... You are not sure if it's everyone else that is going mad or you. Luckily, Ruqaiyyah Waris Maqsood in on hand. Having a wealth of experience as a teacher and an 'agony aunt', she understands the minefields that are the teenage years. This book is a light-hearted, humorous, but above all, sympathetic pointer to coping with teenage life as a Muslim.
  • Although it as impossible to codify Islam as it is to codify life itself, Muslim Personal Law, nevertheless, provides the reader with a reliable checklist of the identifiable features of the Shari’ah which govern the fundamental milestones in life experienced by most people: birth, childhood, marriage, divorce, death and inheritance. It represents one of the mainstream attempts to codify these aspects of Islamic law, based on centuries of practical application and experience.
  • Fifteen traditional English nursery rhymes, adapted with Islamic themes. NOW WITH AUDIO CD Extent: 29 pages Colour Illustrations: 16 Age: 3+
  • Description from the publisher : Muslim Cities Then And Now, describes five cities in the Muslim world, with the objective of providing students with a sampling of Muslim communities in the world, past and present, together with their geographic and cultural diversity within the context of their Islamic unity. About the author(s): Susan Douglass Susan Douglass is an American-born Muslim who accepted Islam in 1974. She received the Bachelor of Arts in History from the University of Rochester in 1972. She received the Master of Arab Studies f...
  • The Mukhtasar Al-Quduri is one of the most celebrated and influential treatises in any Muslim school of methodology and thought and is the foundation for the Ḥanafî school. It is both the first source for scholars and a manual for the general reader. This is its first ever complete translation in English.
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    Muhammad the ideal prophet

    Original price was: £3.99.Current price is: £1.00.
    This book took shape from a series of lectures given by the author in 1925 at Madras, India (Khutbât-e-Madrâs) . In these lectures the author vividly presents the life of the Prophet as an abiding historical model - not an utopian ideal - for all humanity. This book is a must for every student of religion. CONTENTS Chapter One : Prophets - The Perfect Model for Humanity Chapter 2: Muhammad - The Ideal Prophet Chapter 3: Historicity Chapter 4: Perfection Chapter 5: Comprehensiveness Chapter 6: Practicality Chapter 7: The Message of Muhammad Chapter 8: Faith and Practice Bibliography Glossary Index
      • Syed Sulaiman nadwi, a noted historian and scholar, born in 1884 in India 
      • In 1901, he was admitted into Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwa at Lucknow, graduated IN 1906
      • First article, Waqt (Time) was published in the monthly Urdu Journal Makhzan edited by Sir Sheikh Abdul Qadir.
      • He was Literary heir of Maulana Shiblu Nu'mani and chosen to carry on HIS  work.
      • Appointed  sub-editor of journal, An-Nadwa.
      • In 1908 appointed Lecturer of Modern Arabic and Dogmatic Theology at Dar-ul-Uloom Nadwa.
      • when Italy launched an unprovoked attack on Tripoli, a port of the Turkish Empire, Maulana Sulaimân gave up his literary and educational pursuits and joined Al-Hilâl,  a magazine edited by Maulânâ Abul Kalâm Âzâd. Together they  made Al-Hilâl a powerful organ of young Muslims which ultimately played a dominant role in the awakening of Muslim India.
    • In 1912, Allâmah Shibli Nu'mâni got him appointed as Assistant Professor of Persian at the famous Deccan College, Poona.
    • The greatest achievement of Sayyid Sulaimân Nadwi was the establishment of Darul Musannafîn (House of Writers), also known as the Shibli Academy, at Azamgarh, which became the pioneer in the field of literary and historical research in the subcontinent. He attracted around him a large number of talented scholars who carried on the literary mission of his illustrious teacher, Shibli Nu'mâni, with unabated zeal. This institution of learning founded in 1914 continues to spread its luster throughout the subcontinent and during the last 48 years of its existence has published some outstanding works on diverse branches of knowledge.
    • The Muslim University, Aligarh, conferred on him the degree of D.Litt. in 1941. A number of universities and institutions, including the Aligarh Muslim University, the Hindustani Academy of Allahabad, the Jamia Millia, Delhi, the Nadwatul-Ulama, Lucknow, and the Hindustani Committee of the Government of Bihar, had associated him with their work
  • Description from the publisher : A Treasury of Stories from the Quran--for the very young. These are some of the best-loved tales from the Quran. Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the scriptures. This is story telling at its best, with the meaning and message expressed in the simplest of words. As well as being easy to understand, these stories are also fun to read and share with others. Colorful, child-friendly illustrations complement the text and bring the stories vividly to life. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate..
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    Madinah Arabic Reader Book 5

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madinah Arabic Course Book 5
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    Madinah Arabic Reader Book 4

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madinah Arabic Reader Book 4
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    Madinah Arabic Reader Book 3

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madina Arabic Reader Book 3  
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    Madinah Arabic Reader

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madina Arabic Reader
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    FREE DELIVERY “Learning classical Arabic effectively could not be more easier than this course of Madinah Islamic University. A tried and tested course over 40 years with proven track record of success, it is ideal in terms of the the topics covered and short time taken to learn. It is suitable for schools and colleges in the UK and other Western English speaking countries. Whilst there are now several courses available on the market for the teaching of the Arabic language, the unique features of this particular one are: • It is very concise, consisting of only three books, all of which are short but extensive in their coverage. • It combines modern Arabic vocabulary with Islamic terminology as used in the Qur’an and Sunnah. • It covers all the essential Arabic grammatical rules in such a way that the student is spared the monotonous task of memorising them. The author presents Arabic as a living and vibrant language and takes examples from Arabic in everyday use, as also from the Qur’an and Sunnah, so that as the student learns the languages, he also acquires an understanding of hundreds of Qur’anic verses, ahadith, Arabic parables and poetry. This allows the student to become directly involved in the study of the Qu’ran and Sunnah while also acquiring a sound understanding of the Arabic language”
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    Madina Arabic Reader, Book 6

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madina Arabic Reader, Book 6
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    Madina Arabic Reader Book 2

    Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £4.49.
    Madinah Arabic Reader Book 2
  • Description from the publisher : Loving your parents, praying for them, helping them and never doing such acts as may displease them are basic moral teachings of the Quran. This book explains why the Quran urges us to respect, obey and above all pray for our parents. Through simple text and vivid colour illustrations children are told why pleasing their parents pleases Allah. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate...
  • The Final Bequest, Islamic Inheritance and Will The Inevitable Journey Series(Part 2) by Muhammad al-Jibaly Publisher: Al-Kitaab & as-Sunnah Publishing About Book: The Inevitable Journey, We inevitably go through the journey starting in this life and extending into the grave, before our final abode in the hereafter. In the process, we pass through stages of sickness, death, and the intermediate life in the grave (al-Barzakh). These are the subjects that "The Inevitable Journey" discusses over a sequence of tides: 1. Sickness, Regulations & Exhortations. 2. The Final Bequest, Islamic Inheritance and Will. 3. Funerals, Regulations & Exhortations. 4. Life in al-Barzakh. 5. Dreamer's Handbook.
  • This is a translation of volume five of Ibn Sa’d’s Kitab at-Tabaqat al-Kabir. This concentrates on the Tabi’un – the generation after the Companions (RA) – who lived in Madina itself. The study of Madina in this early period assumes great importance as it is well known that the first three generations after the Prophet (SAAS) are considered to be the best generations, and the school of the people of Madina was known to be the soundest of schools. This is because the people of Madina confined themselves to following in the footsteps of the Prophet (SAAS) more than the people of any other region did.
  • Description from the publisher : These are some of the best-loved tales from the Quran and from the life of the Prophet Muhammad. Especially chosen for the very young, they provide a foundation on which to build a growing knowledge of the scriptures. This is story-telling at its best, with the meaning and message expressed in the simplest of words. As well as being easy to understand, these stories are also fun to read and share with others. Colourful, child-friendly illustrations complement the text and bring the stories vividly to life. About the author(s): Saniyasnain Khan Saniyasnain Khan is an Indian television host and children’s author, with over 100 children’s books to his credit. These are on subjects relating to Islam and a number of them have been translate...
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    Jamal Ul Quran

    Original price was: £27.00.Current price is: £25.00.
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